Welcome to the Swanwick Methodist Church web site.
Sunday Services
Our Sunday morning service is at 10.45am in the building, which will also be streamed on YouTube.
Our Sunday evening service is at 6.00pm on zoom.
For full details go to the upcoming events page.
To join a streamed service use the link: - Streamed Services
We also have a 'light touch' Bible study at 7.30pm on Tuesday evenings held on zoom.
For details of how to join zoom services and/or light touch please contact Robert by or by phone on 07917 766915
For details of the circuit zoom services please go to the borders mission home page
People, not the building, are the church and we will continue to find innovative ways to worship and join together in prayer.
We will, of course, be praying for our community. If you have specific prayer requests please do not hesitate to phone or text Mary on 07958 168295.Church Mission Statement
The mission of the Methodist Church in Swanwick, through the power of the Holy Spirit, is: -
To strengthen the worshipping people of God and
To serve the wider community by making Christ known to all.
