"There is a growing understanding that protecting children, young people and vulnerable adults is at the core of our faith. Safeguarding is about creating churches that are a safe space for everyone; a space where children can flourish, and adults can live up to their potential. It is about enabling everyone to come to Jesus without stumbling blocks of abuse, ignorance, fear, compassion fatigue or the failure to recognise the experiences that so many carries within our communities."
Elizabeth Hall, Former Safeguarding Advisor, Methodist Church in Britain
Swanwick Methodist Church reviews its Safeguarding Policy annually and has Safeguarding on the Agenda at all its meetings.
Our current Policy can be found here ..Swanwick Methodist Safegaurding Policy 2020
There is a Risk Assessment of the building carried out on a regular basis and all groups that meet also carry out their own ones and are given the new Safeguarding Policy each year. Keys are only issued to authorised users.
Members who hold special roles and posts within our Church Family attend Safeguarding Training and are vetted via the The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
The safeguarding officer is Mary (Murray)